Pure OCD Treatment - What is Pure OCD

pure o ocd pure ocd pure ocd treatment May 23, 2018

Pure OCD Treatment - What is Pure OCD


In this video, I talk about the treatment process for Pure O OCD. This is the first of three videos and in this video, I provide a general overview and explanation of Pure OCD.


00:00 All right. Hey there and welcome to this video. In this video I'm going to talk about pure OCD and this is actually going to be a three-part series. So I'm in this first video, I'm going to talk about what pure OCD is. In the second video I'm actually going to talk about different mental compulsion's. And in the third video I'm going to talk about how to apply Erp when it comes to pure OCD. So first and foremost, I just want to introduce myself. My name's Mac Hottie I'm a licensed clinical social worker down in California and I'm the founder of the OCD Academy. And so, uh, in one of the reasons I wanted to make this video series is because I've had a lot of questions about this idea of a pure ocd and how to treat it and why it's so different. And so I wanted to kind of in this first video explain pure ocd.

00:43 Now when we talk about pure ocd, the, the general thought processes is that I just have obsessions and that I don't do compulsion. So it's purely obsessional. Right? And that's, that's the idea of purely obsessional ocd and you know, in the, in the OCD treatment community, it's kind of been debunked that debunked and a lot of ways where most of the times people are in almost all cases I've ever seen people actually do mental compulsion. And so let's quickly revisit this idea of the OCD cycle. And so when we talk about the OCD cycle, there's usually four key components we're looking for and it's this idea of the obsession, which is the thought, right? The intrusive thought, the unwanted thought, the thought that then causes part two, which is the anxiety or the doubt that the person experiences. And then part three is the compulsive behavior that the, that the individual engages in to relieve the anxiety.

01:32 And so part four is obviously the relief and then they end up in this kind of loop that just takes place. So the more they do compulsion's, the more they reinforced the fear and the more anxiety they experience. And it just happens on this loop. And when someone's really in ocd and really kind of stuck in that loop, it's almost like it. The best way I can describe it to somebody is that it's almost like these, this lens or goggles that kind of falls over there, their perception and everything they see, uh, you know, is often related to the sphere. Right? And so when we talk about pure ocd, there's usually kind of three sub-categories that I've found when, uh, from almost everyone I've worked with and talk to that I find that fall into these, the disease categories. The first category is harmful obsessions, right?

02:17 And so these might be thoughts that, um, you know, you're worried you might, you might hurt someone or hurt yourself or hurt a loved one or you know, or violent thoughts. Right? And again, I want to be clear that these, these thoughts, especially when it comes to the harmful religious in a sexual thoughts, um, are what's called Ego dystonic. And one of the reasons that we're able to identify them as ego-dystonic is because they're so a distressful to the individual, right? So these thoughts are there. They're very different from impulses and fantasies, right? Because these thoughts don't align with the individual's true character and true identity and that's why they're so distressing in the first place. So the first category is these harmful thoughts, right? And the second is sexual obsessions. And again, these are very different from sexual fantasies or impulses. These are thoughts that don't align with the individual.

03:07 So again, they could be thoughts about, you know, if, if someone's heterosexual, that they could be worried that they may engage in homosexual behavior or they may have a, you know, just impulse in intrusive thoughts regarding thoughts or you know, just different thoughts that again, don't align with their identity. And then the finally, the last category is the religious thoughts, and this can be thoughts, um, you know, of doubting God's existence or you know, having bad thoughts towards God or I'm worried about being sent to hell or even existential thoughts like, Hey, you know, does God exist or this and that, right? And they'll kind of get stuck in these loops. The point is though, is that it's no different from the actual ocd cycle. What usually happens is that they have these initial thoughts, they experienced the doubt anxiety and uncertainty, and they engage in compulsive behaviors that are usually mental and in the next video I'm going to talk about different mental compulsion is that people engage in, but it's really, really important to make that distinction that when it comes to pure ocd, as far as I've ever seen, there's almost no one that's ever just had the pure obsessional thoughts.

04:14 There's almost always behaviors that they do to actually keep that cycle going and really reinforce ocd. The thing is is that most of the behaviors are actually just mental and again, in video two, I'm actually going to dive in to different mental compulsion in what they are and and then the third video we're going to talk about how to do Erp with pure ocd. So hopefully you've enjoyed this video. Be sure to like and subscribe and then also write down below. I have a link that will take you over to a site where you can get some additional resources for OCD. So I'll see you over in part two where we're going to talk about mental compulsion.

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